外國學生申請入學 International Student Admission
How to apply:International Student Admissions, Fu Jen University
本校國際學生中心網站Website: International Student Center, Fu Jen University
甄審方式 Admission Evaluation: 資料審查 Documents Review
系所指定應繳文件 Required Documents:
1. 自傳(中文) Autobiography (Chinese)
2. 讀書計畫(中文或英文) Study plan (Chinese or English)
3. 中文或英文能力證明文件(例如:語言檢定成績、學期報 告或其他有利審查之文件) Chinese or English proficiency certificate or proof (e.g., transcript of proficiency test, term paper or additional documents that support your application)
備註 Remarks
1. 本系大部分課程以中文授課,大部分教材為中文,大部分教師具備英文溝通能力。 Most courses are taught in Chinese. Most textbooks are in Chinese. Most instructors communicate well in English.
2. 本校華語文中心提供付費華語課程,國際學生中心提供每週 6 小時免費夜間華語課 程,另安排國際學位生華語學伴,均能提升華語識讀能力。 FJCU Center of Chinese Language and Culture offers fee-paying Mandarin learning courses. The International Student Center offers 6-hour free evening Mandarin courses per week. International